Browsing: Health & Fitness

What to eat? How to eat? When to eat? These three questions can summarize the whole concept of how one plan’s his/her diet. Or, if you want to compare the two food items which you thought were the same, then you have come to the right place, for here we’ll make you see them in a different light, break them down and show to you the one that’ll make your lifestyle healthier.

Reducing calorie intake on calories doesn’t mean you have to constantly feel hungry or unsatisfied between meals. Here’s a complete list of low-calorie fruits, veggies to pick from. This article also lists the best Indian dishes that can be consumed when you are on a low-calorie diet.

Sunflower oil, thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties, is quite beneficial when it comes to tackling issues such as arthritis. Moreover, its vitamin E content can also aid in the strengthening of the immune system.

Green tea is popular all over the world for its health benefits due to its high antioxidant content. EGCG in green tea helps in limiting the production of the molecules in the body that leads to arthritis, pain, and inflammation. It can also better the health of the cartilage and bones.

Fruits come power-packed with nutrients, making them an important part of a balanced diet. Here’s a list of benefits of fruits that you cannot miss.

For centuries, this herbal tea has been used for its therapeutic wonders. A cup of hibiscus tea, which is filled with anti-oxidants and minerals, is an apt drink to add to your healthy diet.

Eat Any Time health bars are rich in both soluble and insoluble fibers.
Packed with pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, as well as buckwheat, these health bars claim to keep you energized and make you more active.

Dried blueberries are high in nutrients and low in calories. It is good to add them to your everyday routine and get all its benefits. You can follow some simple methods to get blueberry dried at home and use them well.

Considered as one of the most popular breakfast cereals, oats are filled with fiber and full of energy. From strengthening immunity to the lowering of bad cholesterol levels, there are various reasons why oats could be your choice for a healthy breakfast.

Kidney beans (rajma) are among the most commonly cooked beans, especially in the Indian sub-continent. Rajma has a host of spectacular benefits when cooked and consumed with care. This article lists out all the benefits and side-effects of rajma.

Sweet, thick honey is as valuable as liquid gold. Honey is full of antioxidants, anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties and has been used for medicinal purposes since centuries. Let’s have a look at the health benefits of honey and how can it be used as a beauty product.

What makes a green apple a great choice is not only its taste but its calorific value and the antioxidants too. Did you know that a green apple has roughly one-third the calories as compared to a red apple?