
Best Packaged Curd (Dahi) Brands in India – Mishry

Best packaged dahi review

Curd (or Dahi) is available in every kitchen household. Especially in summers, we include curd in our everyday diet in the form of buttermilk or lassi. We have always seen our parents and grandparents setting dahi at home perfectly. This is something which this generation is definitely lacking. Thankfully packaged dahi always comes as the savior to us. 

We at Mishry, reviewed 9 popular best curd brands in India. These brands competed with each other on various parameters. So which curd emerged as a winner in our review? After tasting each packaged dahi brands, we came up with our Top Picks for 3 different categories. Let’s look into our detailed process of reviewing the best curd in India.

Related Reading:

How To Set Curd (Dahi) The Right Way

Best Packaged Curd (Dahi) Brands in India

From the 9 dahi brands in India, these are our Top Picks for the category – Creamiest, Flavor and Value.

1. Amul Premium Dahi – Creamiest Pick

Amul Premium is seriously creamy. There was no whey on top, the dahi was exceptionally well-set, it was rich and got top scores in our taste-test too.

amul premium dahi
Size: 400 grams, Price: Rs. 50*
*At the time of review

The yellow/green packaging of Amul Premium is vibrant and grabs attention. It is the best packaged dahi when you want to make dips and sauces.

2. Nestle a+ Dahi – Flavor Pick

Nestlè emerged as the undisputed flavor king during all taste-tests. It had very little whey on top, it was well set, had a smooth and creamy texture, along with a fresh and pleasing flavor.

Size: 400 grams, Price: Rs. 55*
*At the time of review

The classic blue packaging of Nestle a+ Dahi also displays a whole lot of user-friendly information, beyond the standard Nutritional Information display.

3. Patanjali Dahi – Value for Money pick

Patanjali’s Dahi that is made from cow milk is light and fresh to taste and is, in fact, cheaper than our top two variants.

Size: 400 grams, Price: Rs. 40*
*At the time of review

We picked brands that are most commonly and easily available across major cities. After several trips to local supermarkets and kiraana stores and online stores, it was clear that these are the most popular, and fast moving brands.

Related Reading:

13 Natural Health And Beauty Benefits Of Curd/Dahi

Our Review Process

Here’s our detailed review process where we looked into the minor details. Also, we considered nutrition as one of the major parameters while selecting our Top Picks.

1. How we picked brands

We picked brands that are most commonly and easily available across major cities. After several visits to local supermarkets and kiraana stores and online stores, it was clear that these are the most popular, and fast moving brands.

However, dahi is more popularly consumed during warmer months in India and as the demand goes up, more brands enter the fray. We will be updating the article with more brands as the summer gets hotter!

2. Nutrition Information

As per the nutrition labels on the packaging

3. Brands Reviewed 

1. Amul Premium

2. Mother Dairy  Ultimate Dahi 

3. Nestlé a+ nourish

4. Patanjali Cow’s Milk

5. Ananda Dahi 

6. Britannia Daily Fresh

7. Paras Dahi

8. Epigamia Artisanal Curd 

9. Milky Mist Curd 

4. Quick facts 

5. How We Tested

Dahi is a milk-product and a lot depends on how it is ‘set’. Talking about appearances, a ‘well-set’ dahi is firm and not wobbly or jelly-like. It should have little or no whey and must have a pleasant, fresh aroma when you first open the pack.

  • For texture, we were looking for factors such as smoothness, a non-grainy richness and absence of too much whey.
  • For taste, factors such as a pleasing aftertaste and absence of sourness were considered.

In addition to these, we also looked at the packaging quality, ease of opening, and how well a brand showcased the nutritional information and list of ingredients.

Most brands followed standardized packaging for their 400 gm packs – the size we reviewed. List of ingredients and FSSAI numbers were neatly labelled.

To check for crucial sensory factors like taste, odor and flavor, all 9 brands were taken through multiple rounds of taste-tests. These were blind-tasting sessions where sample were marked from 1 to 9. We used palate cleansers in between samples to refresh taste-buds.

how we tested the curd brands

6. Mishry Secret Sauce: Tastiest, Creamiest Dahi To Buy

Most people in India set dahi at home. Even after buying a packet from the market, most would try and use a spoon or two from the branded dahi to set dahi at home. This is what triggered us to conduct our Secret Sauce Test for dahi.

We decided to set dahi, using a spoon each from all 9 brands as a starter. We used full-fat, organic milk for the process. Because the live culture in dahi gradually decreases, we use fresh samples to do conduct the Mishry Secret Sauce. (What’s Mishry Secret Sauce? Read more here…)

Related Reading:

Is Curd Good For An Upset Stomach?

Final Words

Finding the best dahi in India just got easier. Nestle a+ nourish and Amul Premium Dahi emerged as our top picks for our Best Packaged Dahi review. These brands have stayed on our standards for the multiple parameters. These different dahi brands in India are easily available through both offline and online portals. 

If you do agree with our review, please give it a thumbs up! If you don’t, please tell us why! And, which one would be your favorite from this list.

Also, mention in the comment which one you like the most?

Food & Beverage is a constantly evolving segment with new categories of products being launched daily. Our endeavor is to help shoppers buy better. Our reviews are unbiased and all samples used during reviews are paid for by us. When we source products from Brands, we say so clearly. Read our entire ethics statement here.

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